
南 大 牌 坊 通 讯


南大牌坊 2004-10-20



── Ling Mu Feng ──

Yes, the left photo of Paifang as shown on this page is definitely shorter.
Take a close look at the bottom of both photographs, you should see that the base of present Paifang has been partly buried. Paifang is no longer a giant that we have remembered.
I can see that the characters of “南洋大学” are either placed lower than the original or are simply made smaller; hence those characters are overwhelmed by the top edge of the rectangular frame.
The old photograph (right) also shows some art work besides those characters and numbers. Paifang as shown in the left photo looks like a fake, pity!

── Chan Gin Hor ──

The Paifang is at the original location. What I saw was just some touch up and new painting. I did not notice any news about extensive renovation of Paifang on the newspaper.
Since the environment changes, the Paifang looks different. The two photos were taken from different angles, it even looks different.


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2004年11月19日首版 Created on November 19, 2004
2019年10月24日改版 Last updated on October 24, 2019