
南 大 精 神

── 戴文雪 ──


你们好!我是经济系15届毕业生。和大家一样,南洋大学是我教育生命中的老家,我常怀念它和许许多多的南大校友。日前在 The Straits Times Singapore 看到一则有关南大的新闻报导,便涂了几个字为南大精神作一点个人的解释,在此愿和诸前辈分享和指点。

Tay Boon Suat

June 23, 2006
Keep the Nantah Spirit burning on

I REFER to the ST report, 'Books keeping Nantah legacy alive' (ST, June 20). It touches my heart, especially when many old Nantah graduates have chosen not to mention the past or the hope of restoring Nantah's name.

However, I think there is at least one thing the old Nantah graduates should not hesitate to mention - that of the precious Nantah Spirit.

But what actually is the Nantah Spirit? I always like to tell friends who asked me this question that the Nantah Spirit is the unique behaviour and attitude of the graduates. These old Nantah graduates are usually more humble and easy-going. They take complete responsibility for anything they do, treasure family ties and friendships and always feel proud of their Oriental culture. They are also very good at interacting with people from all walks of life. Most importantly, they are self-reliant and strive to be their best in their own field.

I do hope that this precious Nantah Spirit will continue to burn on...

Tay Boon Suat

自强不息 力求上进

2006年7月3日首版 Created on July 3, 2006
2006年7月3日改版 Last updated on July 3, 2006