


以下是读者推荐 2021年6月23日 Function 8 的贴文(英中版):


Teo Soh Lung

The additional news about Dickson Yeo in yesterday's Straits Times gives the impression that he was recruited via LinkedIn and that the US considered him to be “not a small player”. This a bit mischievous and misleading.

According to the Prosecutor's statement which was agreed to by Yeo's lawyer in the US District Court, “Yeo is a Singaporean national. Yeo's work with PRCIS operatives began as early as 2015 when Yeo traveled (sic) to Beijing, China, and gave a presentation on the political situation in Southeast Asia. At the time, Yeo was studying to receive his Doctorate of Philosophy in Public Policy from the National University of Singapore. After his presentation, Yeo was recruited by various individuals who claimed to represent PRC-based think tanks. These individuals offered Yeo money in exchange for political reports and information...” Read the full statement here:


I do not think Yeo is considered a big player in the espionage game. The agreed statement doesn't make him out to be one.

I suspect that by detaining him indefinitely under the ISA, Singapore is really exaggerating his importance in order to frighten its population especially the academics. We don't know what are the real grounds for his detention. Some of my cynical friends suspect that Yeo was actually spying for Singapore in the States but he decided to blame China knowing the sensitive political condition between the two countries! From the Prosecutor's statement, Yeo didn't achieve anything for his handlers even though he made about 45 trips to China. If he is really a spy, he is not a high grade spy and it demeans China for wasting its money on someone so low grade when there are thousands of bright Chinese students in the US to recruit.

Further, by setting up a Singapore registered company and visiting China 45 times must surely alert the ISD. After all, the Singapore government had deported his PhD supervisor, the Chinese Professor Huang Jing (黄靖) for allegedly being a Chinese spy.

And so the speculation goes that Yeo is now detained for debriefing or retraining by the Singapore government. I don't know. If the government has a case against Yeo, he should be charged in open court. This will end all speculations.




昨天《海峡时报》刊载有关姚俊威的信息给人分印象是:他是通过一个叫“领英”(LinkedIn) 被招募的。美国政府视他为“是一个小角色”。这是带有点讽刺和误导性。(注:人才网站:LinkedIn“领英”是全球职场社交平台,覆盖全球超过6亿会员及200多个国家和地区,致力于打造“一站式职业发展平台”,帮助职场人士发挥所长,连接无限机会。在“领英”,您可以轻松打造自身的职业形象、获取商业洞察、拓展职业人脉并发现更多职业机遇)

根据公诉人发表的声明说,姚俊威的律师在法庭上说,这是他同意的说法,“姚俊威,新加坡公民。他于2015年在中国旅行时被中华人民共和国情报部门(PRCIS) 招募工作。它主要的任务是提供有关东南亚的政治局势报告。在那个时候是新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院博士生。在他递交了报告之后,他被不同组织的个别人士所招募,在这些人当中有一位自称是以中国为基地的智库。这些人在于它交换政治与情报的过程中支付给他金钱。(见网址:https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/press-release/file/1297451/download?fbclid=IwAR3tVlAt8qlPvdZRAYq99EAwc8a1Qb_rwiMnHFmm8tk1VW0U3irxfDzH154






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2021年06月25日首版 Created on on June 25, 2021
2021年06月25日改版 Last updated on June 25, 2021