

作者:康有才 翻译:王瑞荣

以下是读者推荐 2021年6月24日 Universal Common Sense 的贴文(英中版):


YC Khng

About the author
A novelist and environmental activist and had worked as an engineer in USA, Singapore & South East Asia, China, Russia, Peru and the Caucasus.

1.0 End of History

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 solidified the primacy of USA as the sole superpower of the world. For some, 'liberal free democracy' is the only future governing system for the whole world to emulate. Since World War 2, USA dominated the world's economy, military and politics and the contest between her and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1989 was depicted as between Communism and Capitalism. The Soviet communists were supposedly evil and authoritarian, while that of USA was good at heart. In 1989, the Soviet Union collapsed and USA was jubilant in her victory and since then had been advocating the superiority of the Western capitalist system  and pushing a lot of countries such as African, Asian and South American countries to adopt her system of Government under the banner of democracy, freedom and human rights.

Source: slate.com. The Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989

The West sets the benchmark for democracy as one man, one vote and that the rulers of that country are to be selected by consent of the majority.  However, in USA, the President is not chosen by the one-man-one-vote system. Under the 1787 United States electoral college system, it is the electors of the state that choose the President and not the American people. In the recent Presidential elections of George Bush Jr and Donald Trump, both lost the majority of the American vote by 540,000 and 2.8 million but won the electoral college vote of 271 vs 266 (Bush vs Al Gore) and 306 vs 232 (Trump vs Hillary Clinton) respectively.

Ever since Andrew Jackson in 1824 failed to win the  Presidency even though he won the popular vote, there have been calls to revamp the US electoral system to one-man-one-vote. Many considered the US electoral college system undemocratic as it permits a President who did not garner the majority of the votes. Furthermore, the winner-takes-all norm cancels the representation of losing candidates in each state and muted the majority's wishes.

Today, Republicans and Democrats who dominate the USA political landscape practice racism and gerrymandering in their historical climb to power. They are both beholden to well-financed lobbies and wealthy individuals.  Each cycle of election for offices requires vast amounts of money.  The US Supreme Court in 2010 gave carte blanc permission for money to be injected into the US electoral politics in the case of Citizen United vs Federal Election Commission.   According to the BBC, the latest 2020 Presidential and Congressional elections cost $14 billion.

Naturally and progressively, this means the democracy of the USA serves the 1% rich who has the financial means to fund the candidates to do their bidding. The hard-won rights to vote for women and blacks have not delivered the anticipated economic equality. Instead, the living standard of the man-in-the-street has degraded. For the past 40 years, the income of the bottom 50% of middle-class American people had declined significantly. There were no new infrastructures, no universal healthcare, no high-speed train, airports or ports, bridges are falling, huge federal debts, no money for education and scientific investments, and millions of homeless people living below the poverty line.

The final years of Trump's Presidency, marked by state-sponsored faked news, conspiracies, gun crimes, racially motivated attacks arising from the pandemic, insurgency in The Capitol, and the challenges to the integrity of Biden's presidential victory, exposed the unmitigated crisis of democracy in the United States. Contrary to the optimistic prediction of futurist Francis Fukuyama in 1989, by 2021, liberal democracy can hardly assert its claim of victory when no American politician is made accountable for what happened at The Capitol on Jan 6. Where is the rule of law in the United States democracy? This Jan 6 event is a manifestation of the failure of US democracy as the Republican Party is not interested in democracy per se. It is about which faction wields the most power.

Presently, USA democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln as the governance “of the people, by the people and for the people” had developed into a Plutocracy. It is the governance “of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1% rich” as described by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz. Trump's Presidency of 2016 to 2020 tore off the facade of American Democracy as the “shining city on the hill”. It showed the real USA's racist, misogynist and a fascist dark side, as warned by previous US Secretary of State, Magdalene Albright, to the world.

2.0 Ideology

To maintain her primacy as a superpower, the ideology of democracy, freedom and human rights was cultivated to show that USA is “exceptional, peace loving, good at heart and always willing to change for the better”.

And with that ideology, USA engaged in covert or overt wars against other nations. The mainstream media and technologies of the western world are used as tools to this end, either in propaganda (disguised as free media) or surveillance by big tech.

Since the Second World War, the US established various political, economic, health and cultural institutions such as the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, WHO, Marshall Plan for Europe and Japan, SWIFT monetary exchange system etc to extend its hegemony.

Source: Watson Institute Research, Brown University USA

Instead of being peace-loving, the US, in the guise of fighting communism to defend democracy,  has engaged in numerous wars in Latin America, Middle East and the Far East, primarily for oil and natural resources.  In the twenty-year wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East since 9/11, 800,000 were killed, 21 million people were displaced, and failed states were created, not democracies. The current claim of championing a rule-based system for international governance runs hollow when the USA had already lost the world's trust after blatantly lying about the Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) as the excuse to invade Iraq. Instead of being “peace-loving”, Kate Hudson, the General Secretary of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said at the “No Cold War” inaugural forum on 16 June 2021 that the United States and its Nato alliance posed the greatest threat to the world.

As Professor Mearsheimer said on CGTN lately, that USA/West's conflict with China is not about ideology but power supremacy, while Professor Etler of the University of California, Berkeley added that it is also about inability of USA/West to accept a non-white nation performing so much better than them for years to come.

Mike Pompei's Office of the Secretary of State Policy document titled “The Elements of the China Challenge” published at the end of 2020 confirmed the Professors' analysis. Mike Pompeo's policy document essentially confirmed that China was extending its influence internationally because, unlike the Soviet Union of the past, China's economic and technological success was formidable.

3.0 Enter the Dragon

Chinese civilization stretched back more than 7,000 years. For 4,000 years, she was ruled by various dynasties based on meritocracy predicated on the Imperial Examination System, where any Chinese can be an official after passing the examination. Throughout her history, the emperor was the absolute ruler (authoritarian by modern definition). The governance was by the ‘mandate from heaven', an unwritten contract of the ruler to the ruled. The ruler is to ensure a stable, united country with prosperity and harmony for all Chinese and the ruled are to obey the decree of the ruler. When the mandate was not fulfilled, revolts followed, and dynasties changed. This was the ancient accepted norm and mindset, and over the ages, it had ossified into superstitions, blind obedience of the elders and authority. There were ages when peace and prosperity reigned, but there were also ages when the rulers corrupt, and the people suffered. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, famine and floods occurred, and when the ruler was benevolent, the common folks had food to eat while in dire times of corruption, many starved and died. This ebb and flow of prosperity and miseries throughout the ages also reflect the struggle to distribute wealth and power in Chinese society.

In 1949, China underwent tremendous change. With the Communist Party of China (CPC) victory, there was a wholesale revamp of the Chinese mindset where superstition and blind adherence to elders and authority were replaced with scientific facts and pragmatism to deal with the nation's problem. Women were liberated, agrarian reforms were made, and universal education was instituted. The economy in 1949 was based on centralized planning economic model, and politics was based on Soviet-influenced ideology.

The United States was ideologically hostile to the founding of New China for fear that the socialist revolution would spread to the region. From 1950 to 1972, USA imposed a total trade embargo on China when China entered the Korean war to stop the Americans from advancing beyond the 38th parallel. The GDP of China in 1952 was just US$31 billion, and yet she survived the 22 years trade sanctions.   After concluding that to fight against the Soviet Union, it is better to have China on side, USA lifted the trade embargo in 1972, after the Nixon visit to China.

From 1978, China realized that her economic model based on strict centralized planning without the input of market economy was inefficient and stagnating growth.  Deng Hsiao Ping famously said “it does not matter if a cat is white or black, as long as it can catch the mice” and with that pragmatism, reform in China began in earnest.

At that time, China was really backwards in every way but she knew and used the leverage of her cheap labour to attract foreign companies to invest and produce goods for the developed countries. China also used the savings of her own poor people to invest in her development as observed by Charlie Munger, co-chair of Warren Buffet's Hathaway. Of course, foreign investment from Japan and the Chinese diasporas of the world were also welcome to invest in her development.


During the 22 years of total trade embargo by the West lead by USA, China did not sit idly by. She pushed forward universal education, agrarian reform, liberated women into the work force and experimented with mass political participation.  Social, political and economic experiments such as the Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, and farms collectives were introduced.

Some of them were catastrophic and compounded by natural disasters, millions died, but she learned. Her population had become educated, and as a robust civilization, she moved on. This is the resilience of the Chinese civilization, the ability to withstand foreign economic aggression while able to execute internal social and economic experimentation and, when failed, stood up again.  In dire social and economic crises, China did not export its internal problems to other countries as the West and Japan did through colonization.

In a short span of 40 years, from 1980 to 2021, China GDP grew from a mere USD$90 billion to USD 16 trillion, second only to the USA. Contrary to Western expectation, China did not remain a docile sweatshop for its industries and consumers. Unlike many underdeveloped Third World countries, China managed to defy that fate. Thanks to its highly meritocratic and authoritarian political control, it worked foreign capitalism and local capitalists to serve the needs of its long-term national rejuvenation programmes and modernization.

During this time, China lifted 850 million Chinese out of poverty. She also built crucial infrastructures such as high-speed trains, new roads, airports, megacities, space stations, exploration of Mars, supercomputers, renewal energy projects, 5G technologies, AI innovation,  smart cities etc. She achieved all these without engaging in war against anyone.

Ironically, USA under Biden now tries to emulate various China's economic type of projects for the United States, but could not get consensus to have sufficient funds from Congress or private capital and thus her economic development languishes.

USA is good at one thing, though; spending trillions of dollars fighting unending wars of “democracy, freedom and human rights” against many countries. In the 20 years after 9/11, the US managed to spend $6.4 trillions of tax payers monies for the Afghan and the Middle East wars.

The speed and scale of China's development within such a short time of 70 years (with the explosive growth in the last 40 years) for such a large population of 1.4 billion is unprecedented in human history. With the policy of Poverty Alleviation, a whole ecosystem of wealth distribution is executed. It is the first time in 4,000 years of Chinese dynastic history that there is no hunger in China, and almost everyone is educated, has health care and a roof over their head. Using a pragmatic market economy to generate and distribute the wealth to all Chinese via a socialist system is now famously known as “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”.

Despite the success thus far, China's per capita is still one-fifth of United States, and as Piketty rightly pointed out, income disparity remains a problem. China is still a work in progress.

4.0 Technology 

The 21st century saw the rapid acceleration of various technologies from telecommunication, nanotechnology, IoT, AI, advanced robotic, drones, renewal energy, quantum computing, de-desertification, gene splicing and therapy, nuclear power, supercomputers and space exploration etc.

In 2015, China mapped out an industrial strategy known as “Made In China 2025” (MIC 2025)  policy, and it targets ten sectors for advancement, innovation and independence, namely; 1) electrical equipment,   2) farming machines, 3) new materials, 4) energy-saving and new energy vehicles, 5) numerical control tools and robotics, 6) information technology, 7) aerospace equipment, 8) railway equipment, 9) ocean engineering equipment and 10) high-end vessels and medical devices. USA/West was concerned about MIC 2025 policy as it threatens their supremacy in technology.

China was considered to be behind USA in technology, but by 2019, in the field of telecommunication, Huawei was the leader in the world.

Huawei started off as a small private company in Shenzen, a small fishing village of 30 thousand people opposite Hong Kong. It is now a mega city of 12 millions. Ren Zhengfei founded Huawei in 1987 with 21,000 Yuan (US$5,000) and in 1992 aligned the business towards server switches which sold for 1/3 of the price of the competitors. Huawei business began to grow, and along with it came contracts from various companies, including the Chinese Government, for telecommunication equipment such as 3 and 4G network. She also expanded overseas to sell their telecommunication equipment. In 2019, Huawei overtook Apple in smartphone delivery of 240 million vs 200 million.

When the standard of 5G was to be decided, there were two competing technologies, namely LPDC as championed by USA/Qualcomm and Polar Code which was an untested technology promulgated in a  theoretical paper in 2008 by a Turkish Professor, Dr Erdal Arirkan. The 3GPP standard committee decided to allow the results of these two technologies to prove themselves.

In 2009, Huawei began to invest and develop 5G technology using Dr Erdal Arikan's Polar Code instead of LDPC code. At that time, the polar code was an unproven technology, whereas USA/Qualcomm's LDPC was a code that was used for 3G and 4G. However, 5G is a quantum jump from 4G, and therefore LDPC technology may not be suitable.

Huawei took the gamble and bet on Arikan's Polar Code. And after a decade of hard work and billions of dollar of investment, the Polar Code prevailed. In 2016, 3GPP adopted the Polar Code and this established Huawei as the industry leader as it can move data better, with a secure ecosystem, cheaper to install and deployed by 30% of the global market.

Source: Photo: China News.
Poster: 1960 A Child's Dream by Wang Wei Shu,
Shanghai People's Art Publishing House

Huawei was involved in installing 3G and 4G in the Western countries and rural area of USA for more than 20 years. Up till 2016, there was no complaint of her spying for China, but with the advent of 5G, Huawei was attacked for spying for the Chinese Government when she overtook Apple in smartphone sales and Nokia and Ericson in 5G in technology superiority. At present, USA cannot compete because there is no company in the USA that can produce the whole suite of 5G technology.

Source: Mercury News.
“National Emergency surrounding Huawei”

There is similar fact evidence to demonstrate that whenever foreign companies have technologies that surpass USA companies, the USA will deploy various ways to undermine them.  In the 1980s, Japan's Toshiba was well ahead of the USA in semiconductors technology.  Likewise, in 2013 Alstrom of France was ahead in power and transportations technologies. In both instances, the companies and their executives were charged and fined. The plight of Huawei's senior executive Meng Wanzhou is not dissimilar. Similarly like Toshiba and Alstrom, Huawei was put on the “entity list” in 2019, unable to sell or buy products from USA or any products such as semiconductors made by USA technology from third country.

To date, there is no evidence or truth that Huawei is a security risk as her equipment and software were tested by British Intelligence who found to be much more secure than that of CISCO.  Hence the attack on Huawei is just a power play to ensure no high tech company can surpass that of USA.

5.0  Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 

Since 1949 after the CPC achieved victory, China has been consistently working with the 3rd world countries.  She was the first to invest in Africa without colonization or overt exploitation. In 2013, President Xi Jinping announced the US$ trillion investment for the modern Silk Road or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to connect China to 70 countries from Central Asia to Europe. The idea was ridiculed by  the West as a boondoggle and a waste of money.

By 2021, BRI had 138 countries and 30 international organizations participating. As a result, many rails, roads and power projects had come to fruition. It is now a reality and moving fast with connectivity, including telecommunication, health and environment sustainability.

Various think tanks in the United States had advised Congress that the recipient countries welcome the BRI, and it would be hard for the United States to match dollar for dollar. BRI was the only initiative that countries participating saw a tangible improvement in their infrastructure, enabling their economic growth as in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Even in Greece, the BRI investment in the Greek Port project was generously complimented by the Greek former foreign minister Yanis Varoufakis.

Despite constant Western accusations of BRI being a debt trap, corrupt, non-transparent and a vehicle for Chinese expansionism, the fact that third world countries continue to welcome Chinese investments speaks for itself. Otherwise, the G7 summit in June 2021 would not need to counter BRI with an aspirational slogan to Build Back Better World (B3W). But, unlike China, no new money was pledged by G7 countries.  Every G7 country is adversely affected by the pandemic. In the USA, Biden is still struggling to raise $2 trillions for his “Build Back Better America”. In Britain, the long-delayed Crossrail train for London is still short of £1.2 billion, let alone other areas of the economy. Once the sound-bites of G7 are over, these G7 politicians will not agonize over the infrastructure needs of poor third world countries. Neither would hedge-funds in the West be rushing to the aid of the third world. This was the scenario already predicted by the various United States think tanks since 2015.

This B3W scheme is also fragile as it depends on the outcome of the US Congress election in 2022. If the Republican wins, then this scheme is dead in the water.  Although lately there is bi-partisan legislation to apportion US $50 billion for semiconductors and R&D investment to challenge China, it would be impossible to get the Republicans in Congress to fund US$ trillion to help build the developing world's infrastructures.


China's relation and “win-win” diplomacy with the non-aligned movement and the 3rd world countries dating back to 1949 is now paying dividends because the developing economies are experiencing explosive growth and account for 2/3 of the world's economy compared to 1/3 by the West. The underpinning of goodwill and trust over the last 40 years means the BRI will be progressively successful with more and more participation from developing countries. The threat BRI posed to the West is not security but potential loss of the new emerging markets once they are in sync with the Chinese system. The American greenback would be the first to be affected as the currency of exchange would be in RMB instead of US dollars.

In 2017, BRI is included in the constitution of China and this initiative is to end in 2049. It can be seen with there is detailed mapping of BRI from start to finish and China has long term strategy and commitment to see this through to completion in order to address the infrastructure deficit of the 3rd world, unlike the recent ad hoc B3W scheme from the G7.

From the latest speech of Biden, he described the contest with China as “democracy against autocracy” instead of “communism against capitalism”. This is because if he had used “communism against capitalism” then he would have to tacitly concede that the “End of History” had not ended and that the “liberal free democracy” had failed. By saying that liberal democracy had to show results that benefit the people, Biden had conceded defeat. Conversely, by admitting that China is able to extend its influence internationally, the United States has recognized the prowess of Chinese style socialism in delivering economic and technological progress.

Given the competing ideologies, the ultimate test is how well each ideology is able to deliver a stable, peaceful and harmonious environment for its people.

Chinese Poster for the People's Militia air-raid exercises. 1965.
US President Johnson was depicted as the aggressor.
US hostility against China clearly has not changed.

6.0 Possible Outcomes

It will either be War, or Peace. It depends on whether the United States would reconcile with the reality of a multi-polar international environment.

For the United States, the pressing existential issues are universal health care, narrowing the acute income disparity, systemic racism, religious extremism, a dysfunctional right to bear guns, improving education, and rebuilding collapsing infrastructures, reducing its enormous carbon footprints, and the pandemic.

For China, the challenges are how to continue to improve the living condition in the rural areas, bridge the income disparity gap, and integrate the minorities. On governance, it has to promote more democratic participation and representation gradually. As an emerging superpower, it has to demonstrate its ability to cooperate with the international communities on climate change, pandemic, space exploration, and trade. And most importantly, the BRI has to deliver tangible progress to developing nations.

Each ideology exists and thrives within the context of the respective country's political and social history. It is not a zero-sum game, just as Chinese socialism cross-pollinates with the capitalist market economy to achieve what they are today. In the same vein, Biden's ambitious infrastructure programmes and multi-billion dollar subsidies for R&D are carbon copies of the Chinese model.

When peaceful coexistence between the competing ideologies collapses, it may end with war, especially if the United States disregards the reality of a multi-polar world.

Suppose the United States continues to disregard the tectonic shift of world powers and insist on its hegemonic position as the self-appointed world's ideological policemen. In that case, the second outcome maybe war.

Fortunately, at both the recent G7 meeting and the Nato summit, the United States stopped short at calling China an enemy, but a security risk and a systemic challenge. It beggars belief that China, with just one overseas military base in Djibouti, could pose a systemic challenge to the United States and the West when the USA has 800 military bases worldwide. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, on military spending, United States alone has spent more than 10 other countries combined, as shown in the chart below. Regarding nuclear warheads, the USA, UK and France together have over 6000, against 350 on the Chinese side.


In reality, the United States cannot afford a war with China despite its military prowess because its economy and supply chains are too intertwined with China. A war could trigger a collapse of the United States economy, with unimaginable adverse consequences to the West's capitalist system. Notwithstanding that, both Biden and those in the Republican camp continue to rachet up attacks on China out of domestic electoral needs. On the other hand, drumming up the war in the South China Seas benefits those in the industrial-military complex. It is not a coincidence that the leading military suppliers are sponsors of an Australian think tank, the ASPI – Australian Strategic Policy Insititute responsible for churning out massive propaganda against China over Xinjiang.

US Warships in the South China Sea

With the world biggest aircraft carriers from the United States, Britain and France muddying the waters in the South China Seas over Taiwan, United States, with its allies, run the risk of crossing China's red-line over Taiwan. The normalization of China-United States relationship engineered by Dr Henry Kisssinger was predicated on United States recognition of the one-China policy, and accepting China's sovereignty over Taiwan.

It does not take a genius to realize that with the western warships now deployed in the Taiwan Straits and South China Seas to flex their muscles at China, just one accident could be enough to spark a war.

After suffering the hundred years of humiliation, China will certainly not allow this gunboat humiliation to happen again. The chances of the current tension ending in military conflict are high, and the likelihood of a nuclear war, however remote, cannot be discounted. If this comes to pass, everyone will lose, and the earth's survival will be at stake. Let's hope sanity will prevail.


作者:康有才 翻译:王瑞荣


1.0 历史的终结




今天,主导美国政治格局的共和党人和民主党人在其历史性的权力攀登过程中实践了种族主义和不公平地重新划出选举边界。他们都受制于资金雄厚的游说团体和富人。每个职位的选举周期都需要大量资金。2010年,美国最高法院在公民联合与联邦选举委员会的案件中(Citizen United vs Federal Election Commission) 全权允许将资金注入美国选举政治。据 BBC 报道,最近的2020年总统和国会选举耗资140亿美元。


特朗普任期最后一年的总统,在冠状病毒肆虐期间,是充满了国家提供的虚假信息、共谋、枪械犯罪、种族歧视的攻击,国会大厦的骚乱,以及挑战必登当选总统的诚信问题,这一切暴露了美国为缓和的民主危机。与弗兰西斯福·富山(Francis Fukuyama) 在1989年的乐观的预期相反,到了2021年,自由民主很难宣称自己赢得胜利。当没有一位美国的政治家能够承担在2021年1月6日发生在国会的骚乱事件。美国的法制民主在哪儿?1月6日国会骚乱事件是宣告了美国的民主的失败,因为共和党对民主本身就不感兴趣。关键是哪个派系掌握的权力最大

目前美国的民主是如林肯所释义的:“人民的政府,从人民里面产生,为人民服务”已经演绎成富豪当政了。这就是诺贝尔奖获得者约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz) 所描述的:“美国政府有‘1%有,1%治,1%享’”(“of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1% rich”)。2016年-2020年特朗普总统任期期间已经把美国的是“在山头发亮”的民主面具彻底撕掉了。前美国国务卿抹大拉奥尔布赖特(Magdalene Albright) 警告说,它暴露了美国的种族主义、歧视女性和法西斯的真面目!

2.0 意识形态



从二次世界大战后,美国建立的了各种各样的政治、经济、健康和文化机构,诸如联合国、国际货币基金组织、世界银行、世卫组织、欧洲和日本的马绍尔计划、外汇交易结算系统(SWIFT monetary exchange system) 等等以扩大其霸权。


美国自称一名和平热爱者,打着为捍卫民主与共产主义斗争,已经在拉丁美洲、中东及远东地区进行难于计数的战争。这一切的首要目标是为了石油和天然资源。自从‘911’事件后,美国在阿富汗和中东的20年战争中预计80万人被杀害,3700百万人流离失所。这一切不是创建民主,而是创建失败的国家!当美国以“大规模杀伤武器”(Weapon of Mass Destruction 简称‘WMD’) 为借口侵略伊拉克的谎言被彻底揭穿后,它已经失去了世界对它信任,目前所主张的拥护者是因一个基于规则的系统国际治理是空洞的。核裁军运动秘书长凯特·哈德申(Kate Hudson, the General Secretary of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) 在2021年6月16日举行的‘反冷战’论坛的开幕礼上说,美国及其北约联盟非但没有爱好和平,反而对世界构成了最大的威胁”。

正如约翰·米尔斯海默教授最近在中国国际电视网上所说的,美国与西方和中国之间所发生的冲突与意识形态无关,而是超级霸权的问题。在这期间,美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校教授依特勒(Etler) 补充说,这也是涉及到美国及西方国家无法接受非白人国家在在未来的几年里表现得比他们好得多。

美国国务卿迈克·庞贝在2020年末发表的文件,名为:《中国挑战的要素》(The Elements of the China Challenge) 确定了教授们的分析。美国国务卿迈克·庞贝的政策文件实质上是确认了,因为中国在国际上扩大了她的影响力,与过去的苏维埃社会主义联邦相比,中国的经济与技术成就是可怕的。

3.0 龙争虎斗





在那个时候,中国事实上在各个领域是倒退的。但是,它懂得和善于利用自己的廉价劳动力的杠杆作用吸引了外资的投资和生产产品出口到发展中国家。沃伦·巴菲特哈萨维公司(Warren Buffet's Hathaway) 的联合主席查理·芒克(Charlie Munger) 观察到,中国也利用自己的人民的储蓄在国内进行投资发展。当然,中国欢迎来自日本及中国在海外的华侨的外资投资。









尽管中国的经济至今取得了如此成就,但是,其人均收入至于美国的五分之一。正如法国经济学家托马斯·皮凯蒂(Thomas Piketty)正确的指出,(中国的)收入差距仍然是一个大问题。中国仍需继续努力。

4.0 代码




华为在中国起家时是一家在深圳的小公司。甚至坐落于香港的对面,是一个居住了3千人口小渔村。目前甚至居住人口是是1千2百万人。任正非于1987年以2万1千元(相等于5千元美金)创立了华为。于1992年,为了使业务与服务器交换机保持一致,他低于竞争对手1/3价格卖出自己的产品。华为的业务开始增长。随之而来的是来自不同公司的合同,其中包括了来自中国政府的机构,如用于电讯设备的 3G 和 4G 的网络。它也同时扩充了在海外的通讯设备产品。在2019年,华为在智能电话销售市场上取代了苹果,华为的销售量上2亿4千万台,苹果是2亿台。

当 5G 移动网络国际标准被确定时,有两种互相竞争的技术,一是低压铸造(LPDC),是美国高通无线科技创新和极马化系列研究笔记(USA/Qualcomm and Polar Code)。这是2008年一名 5G 极化码(Polar码)发现者,土耳其教授艾达尔·阿里尔甘教授 Dr Erdal Arirkan 未经测试技术颁布的纸上发布的理论。3G 标准委员会(The 3GPP standard committee) 决定允许让这两项技术成果证明自己。

在2009年,华为开始利用土耳其教授艾达尔·阿里尔甘教授 Dr Erdal Arirkan 的极马化系列研究代码(Polar Code) 技术进行投资和发展 5G,而不是利用美国的美国高通的 LDPC 无线科技创新技术。在那个时候,极马化系列研究代码(Polar Code) 还是未经确认的技术。美国高通的 LDPC 是 3G 和 4G 的解码技术。无论如何,5G 是从 4G 量子跃进的技术,所以高通的 LDPC 技术是不适合使用的。

华为把砝码都押在教授艾达尔·阿里尔甘教授 Dr Erdal Arirkan 的极马化系列研究代码(Polar Code) 上。经过10年的艰苦努力,以及投入了投入亿计美金的资金后,确定了极马化系列研究代码(Polar Code) 占上风。在2016年,3G 标准委员会(The 3GPP standard committee) 接纳了了极马化系列研究代码(Polar Code)。这确立了华为作为行业领导者的地位,因为它可以更好地移动数据。因为它具备了有一个安全的生态系统,安装更便宜,以及部署在全球30%的市场。

华为在西方国家和美国的乡村地区参与了安装 3G 和 4G 设备已经超过20年了。直到2016年,没有人投诉他在为中国进行间谍活动,但是,随着它开发了 5G 技术后,华为成了攻击为中国政府的间谍活动的对象。那是由于他取代了美国的苹果智能手机和瑞典的诺基亚及爱立申成了 5G 手机技术的领先者。在目前,美国无法与它进行竞争,因为在美国没有公司可以生产这个 5G 的全套技术。

有类似的事实证据可以证明:只要有任何外资企业在技术上绕过美国,美国将会提供或各种途径去摧毁它们。在1980年,日本的东芝在半导体电子技术比美国超前。同样的,法国的阿什特荣(Alstrom) 电力与铁路的技术。这两个例子导致这两家公司及他们的执行董事被罚款。华为首席执行员孟晚舟事件也不例外。类似于东芝和阿斯特荣,2019年华为也被列入“实体名单”,它不能够从美国售卖或者购买任何产品,或者从第三世界购买任何美国制造的产品。

到目前为止,并没有证据或者事实证明。华为的产品具有危害安全的危险。经过英国情报部门的检测,华为产品比起 CISCO 的产品还要安全。因此,对华为进行的攻击仅仅就是一种权利游戏,以确保没有任何高端技术公司可以绕过美国吧了。

5.0 启动一代一路




美国各智库曾向国会提出建议,那些受援国家欢迎中国的一代一路,对于美国来说,要以亿美元对以美元的投资商极其困难的。参加国的唯一一项倡议出现了切实的改善,促进非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的经济增长。即便是希腊,一代一路投资在希腊的港口,前希腊外交部长雅尼斯·瓦鲁法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis) 为此予以高度的赞扬!

尽管西方不断指责“一带一路”是一个债务陷阱、腐败、不透明和中国扩张主义的工具,但第三世界国家继续欢迎中国投资的事实不言而喻。否则,2021年6月召开的 G7 峰会就不会为反击一代一路了提出了具有抱负的口号:“重建更好的世界”(to Build Back Better World (B3W))。但是,不像中国,G7 国家并没有注入资金。每一个 G7 的国家都受到关注病毒疫情的影响。在美国,必登仍然在为他的“重建更好的美国”筹措2兆的资金挣扎着。在英国,长期延误的跨海火车项目仍然缺口的资金是取钱百万英镑,就别说其他的经济领域里。一旦 G7 感人的声音结束后,G7 的政治家们将不会在苦苦思索第三世界贫穷国家所需要的基础建设了。或许,西方世界的对冲基金争先恐后地奔到第三世界。从2015年开始,美国的智库已经预见到这种情况了。



在2017年,一代一路已经写入了中国的宪法,中国计划将在2049年完成。它可以用眼睛看得到一代一路蓝图的从启动到结束的规划。中国已经制定了成员的战略及承诺,放眼整个计划的完成落实,为解决第三世界的基础建设的问题。它并不像 G7 最近临时提出的“重建好的世界”(B3W) 那样。

6.0 可能出现的结果










幸运的是,在最近召开的 G7 和北大西洋公约组织,美国停止把中国称呼为敌人。但是,而是把中国视为是威胁安全与制度的挑战方。它乞求相信,当美国和西方国家在全球部署了8百个军事基地情况下,中国在吉布提设立的海外军事基地,美国视为可能带来系统性的挑战。根据瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所披露,美国在军事上的开销是超过10其他国家军事开销的总和。请看下列图标,美国、英国和法国也有的核子弹头总数超过6千枚,中国只有350枚。


尽管如此,拜登和共和党阵营的人都继续出于国内选举需要对中国进行攻击。另一方面,在南中国海发动战争有利于工业和军事复合体中的人。领先的军事供应商是澳大利亚智囊团 ASPI – 澳大利亚战略政策研究所的赞助商,这并非巧合。ASPI负责在新疆问题上对中国进行大规模宣传。




自强不息 力争上游

2021年06月30日首版 Created on on June 30, 2021
2021年06月30日改版 Last updated on June 30, 2021