

张素兰 (“人民论坛”译)

以下是读者推荐 2022年1月4日 Function 8 的贴文(英中版):

by Teo Soh Lung

Martyn See’s post (https://tinyurl.com/4r8rscsm) on Ong Lian Teng, the father of Minister Ong Ye Kung jolted my memory about Operation Coldstore and its aftermath.

Operation Coldstore was mounted by Singapore, Britain and the Federation of Malaya in the early hours of the morning of 2 February 1963. More than 133 leaders of opposition parties, trade unions and civil society were arrested and imprisoned without trial for exceedingly long years. Their disappearance from the political scene enabled the People's Action Party (PAP) to govern Singapore with a super majority to this day.

Many of the victims of Operation Coldstore were accused of terrorism and having connection with the Communist Party of Malaya. They were tortured. We should never forget them and what the PAP did to them. The longest detained prisoners were Dr Lim Hock Siew (20 years), Ho Piao (18 years), Pak Said Zahari (17 years) and Dr Poh Soo Kai (17 years).

The persons responsible for executing Operation Coldstore will forever have their names tarnished in history, no matter what good they did for Singapore. The three key people were Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, Lord Nigel Douglas Hamilton Selkirk, British representative and Chairman of the tri-partite Internal Security Council and Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first and only chief minister of the Federation of Malaya. Having done the dastardly deed, Lord Selkirk and the Tunku did nothing to secure the release of those political detainees. They were left to rot in prison. Save for the occasional reminders by Amnesty International and a few other organisations, they were largely forgotten by Singaporeans and the world.

Even though Operation Coldstore wiped out the most outstanding leaders of opposition parties and civil society, it did not fully satisfy the leaders of Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues – Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, E W Barker and S Rajaratnam went on to conduct many mopping-up operations in order to deprive opposition parties from fielding candidates for the general election expected to take place that year.

Against all odds and unfair practices including kidnapping of potential candidates of the opposition parties, 13 members of Barisan Sosialis and Ong Eng Guan of the United People’s Party were elected in the general election held on 21 September 1963, Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues must have been too shocked for words. They swiftly moved into action and mounted Operation Pecah on 8 October 1963. Three of the 13 elected Barisan members, namely, Lee Tee Tong, S T Bani and Loh Miao Gong were arrested and imprisoned for 18, 7 and 3 years respectively. Two of the 13 escaped arrest by leaving the country and going into self-exile. They were Chan Sun Wing who was Lee Kuan Yew’s parliamentary secretary and Wong Soon Fong. Wong died in 2015 while Chan is still in Thailand.

The eight who took their seats in legislative assembly included Ong Lian Teng. He served as assemblyman for Bukit Panjang till 1966 when Barisan Sosialis chairman, Dr Lee Siew Choh called for a boycott of the legislative assembly. I am told that one of the main reasons for calling this boycott was the assembly’s failure to convene meetings except for the passing of the annual budget. The eight members were instructed to resign from their seats in the assembly. Their resignations led to the PAP retaining absolute power in the assembly until J B Jeyaretnam won Anson in the by-election in 1981.

This then is the sad history of Singapore. It was the use of detention without trial that wiped out the presence of an effective opposition in parliament, The opposition parties did not lack good and credible leaders. Indeed they were brilliant leaders with a conscience that led Lee Kuan Yew to fear them. To ensure that he and his party will always be in power, he imprisoned many of them for over a decade. He made sure that potential leaders who did not share his views were swiftly “nipped in the bud”.

Lee Kuan Yew also had another method of ensuring his long reign. He co-opted his opponents or their children. His press secretary James Fu was once arrested and detained for a few months without trial. He became his loyal press secretary. Today, his daughter, Grace Fu is a minister for sustainability and the environment.

Subsequent leaders of the PAP followed these two rules. They continued to nip potential bright young people who do not share the PAP's style of government and co-opt their opponents or their children. Janil Puthucheary, son of Dominic Puthucheary who was also once detained is now a senior minister of state, Janadas Devan, son of former president Devan Nair who was disgraced and had to seek refuge in Canada is now director of the Institute of Policy Studies.

Co-opting Ong Ye Kung into the PAP fold is therefore nothing new.

What actually disappointed some people is his belief in the effectiveness of “ownself check ownself”. Read https://tinyurl.com/698v786f. They think he has betrayed his father who was a opposition legislative assemblyman until he resigned on orders from the party. But people must understand that if you belong to the PAP and wants to become prime minister one day (a position which I doubt is open to children of once upon a time members of the opposition political parties), you have to tow the line and forget about your conscience. Conscience can never be a guide when it comes to political ambitions.

Those of you who are interested in the past can read this book "We Remember" which was published to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Operation Coldstore. If you wish to purchase a copy (it is not in a pristine condition though unused) you can contact 2010Function8@gmail.com.


张素兰 (“人民论坛”译)

自由影片制作人施忠明(Martyn See)最近在个人网页上发表了一片帖子中(见网址https://tinyurl.com/4r8rscsm)谈及王乙康回忆起其父亲王连丁谈到关于1963年2月2日代号“冷藏行动”大逮捕事件以及后续的形势。




甭管那些进行执行代号“冷藏行动”大逮捕事件者打着‘加坡的利益’幌子如何诠释自己的行动。他们的污名将永远记在在新加坡的历史上。负责执行这场大逮捕行动的主要执行者是:新加坡首任总理李光耀、英国殖民地大臣代表兼三方组成的内部安全理事会主席道拉斯·薛里克爵士(Lord Nigel Douglas Hamilton Selkirk),以及时任马来亚联合邦总理东姑·阿杜拉曼共同干下这场卑鄙的勾当。道拉斯·薛里克爵士(Lord Nigel Douglas Hamilton Selkirk)及东姑并没有对在这场大逮捕行动被捕者的被释放做出任何的保证。他们把被捕者留在牢里自生自灭。被捕者在牢狱的漫长岁月是经过国际特赦组织常的提出情况才被新加坡人民以及国际社会所知晓。

尽管代号“冷藏行动”的大逮捕事件清除了反对党以及公民社会组织的最杰出的领袖,但是,新加坡的统治者并没有为此感到满意。李光耀和他的同僚,杜进才、吴庆瑞、E W 巴克以及拉惹勒南仍然继续继续对反对党进行无数次的扫荡行动。为了阻止反对党派人参加去全国大选他们在之后的不同时段继续进行了逮捕行动。

新加坡社会主义阵线的13名国会议员以及王永远的人民统一党在克服了一切困难和不合理的条规下,于1963年9月21日获选为国会议员(人民论坛编者注:这是新加坡加入马来西亚后举行的第一场国会与州议会大选)。李光耀及其同僚为大选的成绩感到震惊。为此,他们于1963年10月8日随即采取代号“[核]桃行动”的大逮捕行动。在此次的大逮捕行动党中,社阵国会议员 S T 巴尼、李思东和卢妙萍被逮捕入狱。他们分别在不经审讯情况下被监禁了3年、7年和18年。社阵13名获选中的2位国会议员黄信芳和陈新嵘被迫逃离新加坡过着自我流放的政治生涯。陈新嵘时任李光耀的国会秘书。黄信芳于2015年在泰国合艾逝世。陈新嵘仍然健在于泰国合艾。




他的新闻秘书傅超贤是在“冷藏行动”大逮捕行动中被捕并不经审讯下被监禁了几个月的。最终他成为了李光耀忠实的新闻秘书。今天,他的女儿傅海燕是担任可持续发展和环境部长。接下来的行动党领导人跟随李光耀所采取的这两手手段。他们继续对付那些不接受行动党统治模式的青年人。同时也采取了招安他们的反对者或者是他们的后代。国家发展部高级部长普杰里(Janil Puthucheary)是于1963年2月2日在代号“冷藏行动“下被捕的多米尼·普都查理的儿子。詹那达斯(Janadas Devan)是前总统帝凡纳的儿子。他现在是政策学院的董事。帝凡纳是因犯了丢人事件而流亡到加拿大的。因此于王乙康进入行动党领导层也就不是什么新鲜事了,

他的新闻秘书傅超贤是在“冷藏行动”大逮捕行动中被捕并不经审讯下被监禁了几个月的。最终他成为了李光耀忠实的新闻秘书。今天,他的女儿傅海燕是担任可持续发展和环境部长。接下来的行动党领导人跟随李光耀所采取的这两手手段。他们继续对付那些不接受行动党统治模式的青年人。同时也采取了招安他们的反对者或者是他们的后代。国家发展部高级部长普杰里(Janil Puthucheary)是于1963年2月2日在代号“冷藏行动”下被捕的多米尼·普都查理的儿子。詹那达斯(Janadas Devan)是前总统帝凡纳的儿子。他现在是政策学院的董事。帝凡纳是因犯了丢人事件而流亡到加拿大的。因此于王乙康进入行动党领导层也就不是什么新鲜事了,

对于那些对过去的历史感兴趣的人,可以阅读这本名叫:《1963年二二大逮捕事件始末》("We Remember")。这本书是为纪念1963年2月2日“冷藏行动”50周年 而出版的。假设您要购买这本书可以联系我。(它不是新出版的书籍,故书面未能保留原有的崭新面貌。)

自强不息 力争上游

2022年01月19日首版 Created on on January 19, 2022
2022年01月19日改版 Last updated on January 19, 2022