

张素兰 (“人民论坛”译)

以下是读者推荐 2022年2月4日 Function 8 的贴文(英中版):

by Teo Soh Lung

It is a great shame that PAP leaders had chosen to ignore their forefathers' past and think that they are all on moral high ground when it relates to matters that transpired in parliament. I am of course, referring to the big lie committed against Lim Chin Siong in 1956. That lie took away his freedom for several years. Lim Chin Siong was accused of making a inflamatory speech at the PAP rally at Beauty World, encouraging the crowd to "pah mata" (beat up the police) when what he said was the reverse - "mai pah mata" (don't beat up the police)

It took 58 years for the truth to emerge. We have to thank Dr P J Thum for digging out the truth.

In 2014, Dr Thum unearthed from the British Archives at Kew, the transcript of Lim Chin Siong's speech delivered at the PAP rally at Beauty World on 25 October 1956. In that speech, Lim who spoke in Hokkien, called upon the crowd “mai pah mata” (don't beat up the police) but to shout “Merdeka” (Independence). He told them that the police were their friends and wage earners too. Their job was to protect the people.

Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues who were on stage with Lim Chin Siong must have heard what he said. Regrettably, they did nothing to assist their colleague when he was subsequently arrested under the Preservation for Public Security Ordinance. This has given rise to the understandable suspicion and allegation that he had, probably with the blessing of the British, conspired with the Lim Yew Hock government to arrest and ruin Lim Chin Siong.

On 6 November 1956, in the legislative assembly debate on a motion that was submitted by Lee Kuan Yew, the Minister for Education, Chew Swee Kee said:

“The Member for Tanjong Pagar, in moving his motion, asked, "Who began the riots?" He tried his very best to put the blame on the Government, saying it was apparent that the thousands who gathered in front of the Chinese High School in Bukit Timah Road were collected there for the purpose of the riots, but he conveniently forgot to mention that it was after the Member for Bukit Timah and his henchmen had arrived at the scene that the riots began. The Member for Bukit Timah, as pointed out by the Chief Minister, made inflammatory speeches at the Beauty World, and soon after the meeting, those who attended it drifted along to the High School vicinity and almost at an instant jeered at the Police.

It is significant to note that the Member for Bukit Timah at that meeting said that instead of shouting "Merdeka" the people should now shout, "Pah Mata", which means "Beat the Police". Is there any doubt whatsoever as to who sparked off the riots?” https://tinyurl.com/msbw6err (col 501).

We do not know why the PAP rally was scheduled on that day when PAP leaders knew that huge crowds from all over Singapore had gathered in and at the vicinity of Chinese High School to protest. Listen to Dr Poh Soo Kai here https://tinyurl.com/2p8as7yv.

Lee Kuan Yew was in the legislative assembly and heard what Chew Swee Kee said. But he did not stand up to defend his colleague. Neither did the British representatives in the assembly who must have listened to their Special Branch recordings of all the speeches at the rally, made any clarification.

The transcript of Lim Chin Siong's speech was made public by Dr P J Thum in May 2014. We don't know if Lee Kuan Yew had been informed of this transcript and whether he was of sound mind to respond. But we know that he was very much into the practice of meditation in 2013 before he died in March 2015. In any event, he was aware of the truth throughout his life. He had thus chosen to let the lie of Chew Swee Kee pass as truth and perpetuate the lie by his silence, solely for his benefit.

The moral of this piece of history is that many lies are spoken in parliament. We cannot accept everything that is said in parliament as the truth. It took more than 58 years for the lie which grievously wronged Lim Chin Siong to be exposed. He never lived to be vindicated. Even with Dr P J Thum's discovery of the truth, PAP historians like Kumar Ramakrishna still choose to perpetuate the lie. It is sad.



张素兰 (“人民论坛”译)



作为一名政治家,林清祥的一生是短暂的。诸如已故政治拘留者陈仁贵和 Jomo K.S. 所形容的那样:他就像‘我们天空中的一颗彗星’。在二次世界大战后,他深切地关注着人民的福祉。他并没有完成中学教育。但是,他在组织穷人和工人阶级为争取更好的待遇的斗争过程中展现了自己的才智和能力。他在演讲技巧和努力工作的意愿超过了所有受过高等教育的行动党领导人。






在这个问题上,对于行动党的领导人而言,这是一个极其羞辱的事。他们选择了漠视自己党的祖师爷(李光耀)的过去历史。当在国会里发生这起事件时,他们把自己扮演成是道德上的高标者。我当然是指在1956年一起有关林清祥的最大谎言。当年行动党在武吉知马7英里美世界举行的一个群众大会上,林清祥在会上发表措词激烈的演讲,鼓励与会群众‘打警察’("pah mata")。事实是,当年林清祥演讲的原话是‘不要打警察’("mai pah mata")。


于2014年,覃柄鑫博士在莎翁档案挂挖出了1956年10月25日行动党在美世界举行群众大会时林清祥在群众大会上演讲原稿的档案。林清祥是以福建话发表演说。他在演讲者呼吁与会群众‘不要打警察’(“not to pah mata”),同时高呼‘默迪卡’(“Merdeka”)。林清祥告诉与会的群众警察是我们的朋友。他们都是受薪阶层者。他们的任务是保护人民。

林清祥在美世界演讲的当天,李光耀和他的同志们都坐在讲台上听着林清祥的演讲。不幸的是,过后林有福政府援引《防止公共安全法令》(简称《公安法令》Preservation for Public Security Ordinance)逮捕林清祥时,他们并没有声援林清祥。这可以令人引起质疑和对林清祥的指控是赐英国人与林有福政府策划于逮捕林清祥的阴谋。于1956年11月6日立法议会举行会议,李光耀提出进行辩论有关林清祥被逮捕监禁的动议时,时任教育部长的周瑞棋说了以下这段话:


值得注意的是,武吉知马区立法议员在群众大会高呼‘默迪卡’("Merdeka")与会者现在却变成了‘打警察’("Pah Mata")。这是否有任何疑问是谁首先引起暴动的?”(见网址:https://tinyurl.com/msbw6err (col 501))。




有关林清祥被诬指、歪曲的讲话的这段历史道德寓意在于说明,议会里是说很多谎言的地方。对诬指林清祥是这段历史的谎言是经过了58年才被揭穿。他在世时并并没有获得平反。即便是覃柄鑫博士发现的这个真相。行动党豢养的历史学者如 Kumar Ramakrishna 之流仍然选择让谎言继续存在。这是令人感到遗憾的。

自强不息 力争上游

2022年02月06日首版 Created on on February 6, 2022
2022年02月06日改版 Last updated on February 6, 2022