

张素兰 刘月玲主编 (“人民论坛”译)

以下是读者推荐 2022年3月7日 Function 8 的贴文(英中版):

Ridiculous, Untold Tales of Singapore
Edited by Teo Soh Lung & Low Yit Leng

Seelan Palay, artist and filmmaker was arrested and charged for conducting a one person protest or unlawful assembly or unlawful procession in Singapore in 2019.

But did he protest or participate in any illegal procession?

In this new book, Ridiculous, Untold Tales of Singapore he writes about his performance at the Speakers' Corner, the old Supreme Court, now the National Gallery and before Parliament House, the last stop of his performance:

"While there with the mirror, I drew the final drawing, the flagpole, the trees and the Parliament House. A while later, the guards arrived and asked me what I was doing. I told them that this is a performance and an artwork. I held the mirror in front of me for a while. I didn’t know how long.

The performance was meant to end at 5pm. And at 5pm, I intended to sign the completed drawing on the mirror and walk away with it. ... during the performance itself, I was so absorbed by space, situation, probability, all the possible danger and anxiety that I lost track of time, quite ironically. It was ironically beautiful.

In any case, the guard called the police and we were both waiting for them to arrive. One of the interesting things that happened then was that he asked me, “Why are you doing this for Chia Thye Poh? You don't even know him, so why are you doing it for him?” I kept quiet. A while later, a young child and her mother walked past us. The child almost fell down, and the guard lunged towards them a bit as he attempted to help the child. When he returned, I asked him, “Why did you want to help the child? You don't know her.” And he kept quiet."

Find out what happened to Seelan Palay from the book. Write to Function 8 at 2010Function8@gmail.com if you would like to buy the book. Price S$35 inclusive of postage.

Email: 2010Function8@gmail.com
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(Image credit: Foo Chuan Wei)



张素兰 刘月玲主编 (“人民论坛”译)







欲知西阑·巴莱在本书所叙述有关的事件。请联系功能8网络地址:2010Function8@gmail.com 购买本书'。售价为新币35元(包括在新加坡范围邮递的邮费)

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2022年03月09日首版 Created on on March 9, 2022
2022年03月09日改版 Last updated on March 9, 2022