


以下是读者推荐 2022年5月22日 Function 8 的贴文(英中版):

The commemorated the 35th annivesary of the "1987 Marxist Conspiracy"
and the launch of the book, "Said Zahari, Poems from Prison"
Tan Tee Seng

Today, we commemorated the 35th annivesary of the "1987 Marxist Conspiracy" together with the launch of the book, "Said Zahari, Poems from Prison"

I shared my thoughts on its significance as a survivor of the 1987 episode.

In 1987, I was 28 years old and were shell shocked when I was arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) - this a legislation that the PAP government inherited from the colonial administrators who created it in their suppression of anti-colonial movements in the 50s. This is a piece of legislation where rule of law is suspended in the name of national security. The minister is given the power to detain any person without trial, renewable every two years at his discretion. Singapore holds the record of imprisonment of an MP of Barison Socialis for 32 years.

Today, 35 years on, I m still in shock that in 2022, this piece of legislation is still in our statues and we have further added POFMA and FICA into the mix. Now we can be silenced without invoking the ISA. We are still enduring this violence from the governor of the state.

Earlier, a speaker, Margaret Thomas suggested that we write to the PAP PM-to-be to clarify his stand and position on the matter. I thought it was a great suggestion because hopefully with Lawrence Wong, we are going to have a new chapter of country's development. I hope my children who are in twenties and early thirties would be able to live in a freer environment. Lawrence Wong was 15 in 1987, he doesn't have to carry the baggage of dirty underwears of his PAP predecessors. He can provide a vision that is enshrined in our constituition and make Singapore proud again!



陈智成 (“人民论坛”译}





早些时候一名发言者 Margaret Thomas 建议,我们共同致函给即将接任的总理,要求他对此《内部安全法令》表明自己的立场。我认为只是一个具有建设意义的提议,因为随着黄循才时代的到来,我们的国家将引来一个新纪元的发展。我希望我的年龄在20至30出岁的孩子们,可以生活在一个比较自由的环境里。


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2022年05月22日首版 Created on on May 22, 2022
2022年05月22日改版 Last updated on May 22, 2022