
继承前辈的斗争事业 决不能让他们遗忘


以下是读者推荐 2023年2月20日 “脸谱网”Transformative Justice Collective 的贴文(英中版):

We keep up the fight, they have not lost,
and we cannot let them lose
Transformative Justice Collective

This past Saturday, over 120 people gathered to pay tribute to the thousands of political detainees victimised by Singapore's - and the PAP's - dark history of suppressing dissent. We learnt about Nantah students' resistance, the heroes of Barisan Socialis, anticolonial activists who fought for a Singapore free not just from British rule, but all kinds of capitalist and racial oppression, early feminists of Singapore, and the collective power of workers who fought for their liberation and ours. We sang protest songs that the generations before us drew strength and hope from, and watched photo montages of this colourful history. We watched video clips from a conversation that young Singaporean activists had with Dr Poh Soo Kai, one of the most prolific thinkers and freedom fighters in Singapore's history.

Our youngest speaker was 21, our oldest was 93. The energy in the room was electric as four generations of Singaporeans came together to bear witness to our shared dreams for a better Singapore. "Looking at these images of thousands of students marching through the streets, I can't believe that was Singapore!" one audience member commented. The members of the Old Left who attended the event were moved to see how passionate younger Singaporeans were to learn their stories, how much inspiration we draw from their struggles and sacrifices. At the end of the evening, we all stood and applauded the Old Left.

Most members of the Old Left have hesitated to come forward or be in the public eye over the last few decades. The trauma of years of detention, violence, threats and slander forced them to stay away, for fear that their presence might lead to problems for younger activists. It was healing and joyful for all of us to be reunited, and it meant the world to us when our elders said they were heartened by our efforts to fight, just as they did, for a democratic, just and vibrant Singapore where everyone is free and has the opportunity to thrive. "Their struggle is ours to continue", is what we called the event, because as long as we keep up the fight, they have not lost, and we cannot let them lose.

继承前辈的斗争事业 决不能让他们遗忘



2023年2月18日,由第8功能(Function 8, F8) 及年輕人共同主办《向英雄敬礼》冷藏行动6O周年紀念会。这场集会回顾新加坡行动党政府——迫害政治异己份子的黑暗历史——向数以千计政治拘留者致以崇高敬意的集会。这个集会令我兴奋不己。我们在集会上观看了南大学生的抗议斗争历史幻灯片、新加坡社会主义阵线、反殖民地主义活跃份子为争取新加坡摆脱英国殖民统治的英勇斗争。但是,这一切资本主义和种族主义的压迫、新加坡妇女的早期斗争、新加坡工人集体为争取自由进行的斗争。我们大家一起高唱那个年代的歌曲。这是前辈们在当年进行斗争时给自己吸取力量的歌曲。我们观赏了这些具有历史意义的彩色图片。我们观赏了新加坡年轻的活跃分子采访傅树介医生。他是新加坡历史上一位思想活跃与争取自由的斗士。





自强不息 力争上游

2023年02月23日首版 Created on on February 23, 2023
2023年02月23日改版 Last updated on February 23, 2023