
Two Issues Arising from Sabah Reunion's Preparation

── Tin S. Yap ──

In his open email to the 8th NUAGR(Nanyang University Alumni Global Reunion) committeedated May 24, Nantah fellow alumnus K.C. Tan has superbly expressed what I and, I believe, many other alumni, feel about the issue of a closed door meeting for "chapter heads and representatives", and the issue of inviting NTU's Vice Chancellor to speak at the Nantah Night banquet.

The decision to hold a closed door meeting is without rhyme or reason. Why create an atmosphere of cloak and dagger about a meeting that should be quite open?

Vice Chancellor Cham Tao Soon, along with the NTU he represents, has become a symbol of psychological wound of alumni of the demised Nanyang University. The demise of Nantah has resulted in divisiveness among alumni, and alienation between government authorities and alumni. What is done cannot be undone. A way to heal this psychological wound is for those ultimately responsible for the closing down of Nanyang University to offer a MEA CULPA. If Sabah Alumni Assocciation, as host of the 8th NUAGR, would draft a resolution to be discussed by all the alumni at the reunion, with a view to passing it, to call on the government authorities responsible for closing down Nanyang University to cut the Gordian Knot with a MEA CULPA, it will create a win-win-win situation, benefiting three parties.

(1) Sabah Alumni Association, which will shine in the book of the history of Nantah, as the alumni association that provides a solution to a problem that has been a bane for decades for a lot of people concerned.

(2) The government authorities concerned to regain the lost affection of alienated Nantah alumni, who constitute invaluable human resources.

(3) Nantah alumni will find considerably fewer obstacles on their way to a reunited group, who share the same memories of pride and affection for our Alma Mater.

In an open email letter dated 2001-10-30, that was published in some Nantah alumni websites, I proposed the idea of the MEA CULPA solution to the Sabah Organizing Committee, just as I had proposed the same idea to the Vancouver host of Nantah alumni reunion. Both reunion hosts shunned the issue, and both were so keen on inviting Dr. Cham to speak.

Tin S. Yap (现语系第三届叶天颂)
Modern Languages & Literature,
Third batch.


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2002年06月01日首版 Created on June 1, 2002
2002年06月01日改版 Last updated on June 1, 2002