
On 2002 Reunion -
When A Reunion Is Not A Reunion

── 傅文义 ──

Whatever name NTU (Nanyang Technological University) uses is never important. We all know that its founder is not late Mr Tan Lark Sye. Therefore it can never be our alma mater.

We all know that if the clock could be wound back, our alma mater would have been closed down even earlier. It is therefore nonsense for Lim Guan Teck et al to talk about "xu ban" (续办) Nantah because Nantah was already closed.

To those alumni who accept NTU as their alma mater I wish them good luck. I know many alumni are loyal to late Mr Tan Lark Sye. They are sad but not down with the loss of their alma mater.

Some alumni could oppose Prescott Report when they were students, then could talk about "fu ban" (复办) then "xu ban" (续办) Nantah in that sequence after the closure of Nantah. I do not know what these alumni really stand for. It is not surprising that their chief "lieutenant" requires a close door meeting for discussion of Nantah issues in "darkness".

If you are a share holder of Microsoft Corporation, you know you can attend its annual meeting and raise a question for its chairman Bill Gates to answer. The alumni who want a close door meeting are no Bill Gates but more arrogant than him. This is yet another sick joke of "Spirit of Nantah".

2002 Nantah Alumni Reunion will go down in history as one of the most divisive reunions. Its last minute change of programme is stupid but not unexpected. Indeed immediately after the debate in topica NantahAlumni list, there were alumni including myself knew that the organizers would not give up there hidden agenda easily. I consider the last minute change of programme as an act of deceit, desperation and cowardice. Historians will pass their judgements.

I now look beyond 2002 reunion and hope that the next reunion will give us a breathe of fresh air. Alumni reunion is for alumni to get together to talk about friendship and our love for alma mater. It must not be used as a platform for secret agenda. i.e. to promote NTU as our alma mater.

I am travelling in Europe. Although I still have time to attend the 2002 reunion, I prefer to give it a miss.

Ven Yee Foo (物理系第五届傅文义)
Physics 5th Batch
Sent from Rome on 3rd June 2002

自强不息 力求上进

2002年06月07日首版 Created on June 7, 2002
2002年06月08日改版 Last updated on June 8, 2002