

── 多伦多南大校友会 ──





为了使聚会生动有吸引力,执委会开了个小讲座请林升涛校友谈‘核’。林升涛博士是位资深的高层物理工程师,曾就职于 Ontario Darlington Nuclear 发电厂。在会上,他以此次日本海啸地震所发生的福岛县第一发电站核泄漏事故,向大家讲解了辐射碘的形成和冷却炉的操作,令大家获益匪浅,也让大家了解到天灾人祸的无常。福岛县第一发电站虽然具备了多方面的防备措施,但在大灾难来临时,还是不能防范于未然,希望日本核泄漏事故早日解决。

午餐会在下午3:30pm 结束,这次的聚会是个好的开始,第二代们已经在策划下一次的聚会,希望下一次的夏日聚会将吸引更多的第二代参与。


G2 Meeting Sunday April 10, 2011

Thanks to our G2 and alumni for a lively meeting at Lee Kay Chan and Lan Hee's house. We had more than forty attendees including alumni and G2 and their families (G3).

Many thanks too, to Lee Kay and Lan who kindly provided their house and spacious basement for our get-together and who also donated a wonderful lunch, which we all enjoyed.

President CC Liew gave a speech to welcome G2 and their children. This G2 generation has certainly made their parents proud. They represent a wide variety of occupations: IT specialists, engineers, bank and school administrators, teachers, lawyers and doctors. Some have completed their PhDs or are doing their graduate studies. No doubt their parents have provided a good foundation for their children’s outstanding work, and certainly their parents had to overcome many hurdles to establish themselves. We applaud the G2 and encourage them in getting to know each other so that they can contribute to their community and this country -- Canada.

We also heard from Dr Sim Lim, one of our alumni who are an expert in engineering physics and had worked at Ontario Power Generation in Darlington. He gave us a very interesting talk on the operations of a nuclear reactor and power generation, the production of iodine 131 and on the events after the earthquake in Japan and the breakdown of the nuclear power stations there.

The meeting came to an end at about 3.30 pm and already the G2 are making plans to meet again soon. We are also planning a picnic on June 25th and outdoor activities at the Liews' cottage at Star Lake on August 6th. We will provide further information closer to the date.

自强不息 力争上游

2011年4月15日首版 Created on April 15, 2011
2011年4月16日改版 Last updated on April 16, 2011