
——来自加拿大圭尔夫大学前校长罗山基博士(Dr. Rozanski)

── 符懋濂 ──

按语:陈国相学长是南洋大学史地系第一届毕业生,拥有加拿大西安大略大学硕士学位、英国伦敦大学博士学位,曾受聘为加拿大圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph) 地理系荣誉教授。十几年来,国相致力呼吁复办南大,并出版《复办南大论文集》(内含复办南大可行性调查报告)。这位“次等生”又以英文撰写 My Nantah Story: The Rise and Demise of a People's University,并于2017年8月在新加坡出版。这部四百余页大著,就事论事,实话实说,在很大程度上还原了历史真相。以下是国相的前大学校长罗山基博士对该书的评语,言简而意赅,客观而中肯,值得大家一读。我获得他们两人允准,把它译成华文,刊载在我个人空间,以便更多人能够阅读。








(按:Mort 是作者 Mordechai Rozanski 的简称)


From:Mordechai Rozanski
23-01-2018, 9:29 AM

To: Kok-Chiang Tan

Dear KC,

What an insightful and inspiring history of Nantah. Your masterful narrative makes clear that Nantah's demise was truly tragic, reflecting the parochial prejudices and political fears of self-serving elites. Nevertheless, its rise and success was remarkable and transformed the lives of more than a generation of talented Chinese students.

KC, you should be very proud of this great book. Not only is it beautifully written, with clarity and understanding, but your passion for Nantah's mission shines through without biasing your interpretations and objectivity. You have shown that Nantah was more than an educational institution, it was a cultural incubator for Chinese identity and advancement in Southeast Asia.

Frankly, KC, you prove to be a better historian than many trained in the discipline. I seriously question whether you were in right department at Guelph. We historians, but particularly our students, would have benefited immensely from your presence.

As a concluding comment, I find your proposal for Nantah's resurrection totally persuasive and practical.

Thank you for sharing your book with me and for writing a story that had to be told. You have proudly fulfilled the promise of a Nantah education.

Your friend,

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2018年1月27日首版 Created on January 27, 2018
2018年1月27日改版 Last updated on January 27, 2018