

── 朱永安 ──


  在英文圈里,NTU 的首任校长是1982年开始的詹道存博士。海峡时报2006年3月21日报导:“The founding president of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Professor Cham Tao Soon, has been named the first recipient of the British Royal Academy of Engineering who lives outside the European Union and has made outstanding and sustained personal achievement in engineering, including academic leadership. The academy praised Prof Cham for developing NTU from scratch, growing its student population from just 582 in 1982 to the current 23,000.”1980年之前的南洋大学毕业生,是NTU的迁册校友,不算是NTU 学生。在华语圈里,“理大”改为以前南洋大学专用的“南大”,用一个简称,来代表间隔10年、两间迥然不同的大学,这是一个很不妥善的人为摆弄。



  ──NTU had a proud beginning as Nanyang University (Su Guaning, NTU News July 2003)
纠正: NTU began on the same campus as the proud Nanyang University.

  ──Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has a distinguished lineage with roots that go back to 1955 (NTU's Web May 2006)
纠正: Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has a beautiful campus with heritage buildings that go back to 1955.

  ──I feel some sense of belonging of coming back to NTU on Alumni day every year (Steven Chan, NTU Link January 2005)
纠正: I feel some sense of belonging of coming back based on the transfer of Nanyang University graduates' roll to NTU on Alumni day every year.

  ──Alumni Day reminds me of the rich heritage of NTU which dates back all the way to Nantah days (Taiyabi Ahmad Shadab, NTU Link January 2005)
纠正: Alumni Day reminds me of the beautiful campus of NTU which dates back all the way to Nanyang University days.

  ──为了感谢南洋大学校友为南洋理工大学奠定了坚实的基础,南洋理工大学校友会决定为南洋大学校友推出新会所入会费一次过3000元 (Zaobao November 3, 2005)
纠正: 为了落实和惠益1996年南洋大学毕业生迁册的学位,南洋理工大学校友会决定为南洋大学毕业生推出新会所入会费一次过3000元。

  ──Founded in 1955 with funds from millionaires down to the humble trishaw rider, we began as Nanyang University, a university created by the people, for the people (Su Guaning, NTU's Web May 2006)
纠正: Founded in 1955 with funds from millionaires down to the humble trishaw rider, our campus began as Nanyang University, a university created by the people, for the people.

  ──南洋理工大学的前身是南洋大学,两者一脉相承,取名校址亦相同。此外,两者皆简称南大。(NTU's Web May 2006)
纠正: 南洋理工大学未成立之前有南洋大学。两者有校址相同的地缘,亦取相同的“南洋”为校名。

  ──因为社会环境的变迁,南大也改变了方向和教学体制,先是改成南洋理工学院,后来升格为南洋理工大学 (Lee Hsien Loong, @NTU October 2005)
纠正: 因为社会环境的变迁,南大被并入 NUS。空遗下的云南岗先有南洋理工学院,后来升格为南洋理工大学。

  ──Eventually, Nantah had to be restructured. For a time there was a joint campus with the University of Singapore, after which in 1981 Nantah became the Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) (Lee Hsien Loong, @NTU October 2005)
纠正: Eventually, Nantah had to be restructured. For a time there was a joint campus with the University of Singapore before merging into NUS. In 1981, the campus was used to house the Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI).

  ──NTU's heritage can be traced back to Nanyang University, which was established in 1955 with funds from the Chinese community (NTU News January 2003)
纠正: NTU's campus can be traced back to Nanyang University, which was established in 1955 with funds from the Chinese community.

  ──NTU can be a successor to the old Nantah (Nanyang University) and embody the same spirit of grit and enterprise (NTU News January 2003)
纠正: NTU shares the beautiful campus of the old Nantah (Nanyang University) and promotes the same spirit of grit and enterprise.

  ──Nanyang university, NTI and NTU share a common heritage in Yunnan garden. Let us not be divided by name but be united by our common roots and heritage (Willy Nusantara, NTU Link November 2005)
纠正: Nanyang university, NTI and NTU share the beautiful Yunnan garden. Let us not be divided by name but be united by our common place of birth.

  ──南洋理工大学2005年将庆祝建校50周年 (Zaobao November 28, 2004)
纠正: 南洋理工大学2005年将庆祝云南岗校园50周年。

  ──南大50年老中青三代欢聚 (Zaobao December 11, 2005)
纠正: 云南岗校园50年老中青三代欢聚。

  ──We shall celebrate the history and legacy of our predecessor institutions, Nanyang University (Su Guaning, NTU Link January 2005)
纠正: We shall respect the history and legacy of the earlier institution, Nanyang University.

  ──怀念母校,特别想会见新任校长,了解南大最新动态 (Lim Guan Teik, NTU Link April 2005)
纠正: 怀念云南园,特别想会见新任校长,了解云南园的最新动态。

  ──前南大只是一所教学大学,现在的南大已经是一所研究型的大学 (Ong Beng Soon, Zaobao August 28, 2005)
纠正: 南洋大学只是一所教学大学,现在的南洋理工大学已经是一所研究型的大学。

  ──南大当年的文化风气很盛,校园内有很多学生组织,如美术、书法和文学学会,我相信假以时日,南大必定可以恢复往日的辉煌 (Tan Swie Hian, Zaobao December 18, 2005)
纠正: 南洋大学当年的文化风气很盛,校园内有很多学生组织,如美术、书法和文学学会,我相信假以时日,南洋理工大学必定会有同样的辉煌。

  ──Perhaps 1980 and the merger with NUS is a manmade dam. The river started again from this dam, now flowing as a practice-oriented engineering institute (Su Guaning, NTU News January 2004)
纠正: Perhaps 1980 and the merger with NUS is a manmade draught. There is plentiful water again in this land, now flowing into a practice-oriented engineering institute.

  ──2005 marks the 50th anniversary of the Yunnan Garden campus, home of the university's three chapters ─ Nanyang University, Nanyang Technological Institute, and NTU (@NTU August 2005)
纠正: 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of the Yunnan Garden campus, home of three institutes ─ Nanyang University, Nanyang Technological Institute, and NTU.

  ──happy to see continuity between the new and old NTU, in both spirit and substance (@NTU October 2005)
纠正: hoping to see the continuing mutual respect between the old NU and new NTU, in both spirit and substance.

  ──Times have changed, so has Nantah in its evolution. It is heart-warming to see that its successor, NTU (Ong Beng Soon, NTU Link November 2005)
纠正: Times have changed, so has Yunnan garden in its evolution. It is heart-warming to see that its new institution, NTU.



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2006年6月8日首版 Created on June 8, 2006
2006年6月8日改版 Last updated on June 8, 2006