
Minding NTU's FuMing

------ Zhu YongAn ------

  The correct statement "Let the land dispute be negotiated by the related parties" does not mean the related parties have special relationship such as same family or same race. The only necessary link amongst the related parties is the land's usage and ownership.

  Similarly, the related parties of NTU's FuMing (including NU's alumni, NUS's alumni, NTI's alumni, NTU's alumni, Southeast Asian Chinese and Singapore authority) are the people connected by the land with no further implied relationship. This is consistent to "Let the alumni decide" by SM Lee Kuan Yew and the reminder "NTU graduates will be the 'most important component of this decision-making process'" by DPM Tony Tan.

  However, it would be a huge mistake to assume that all related parties have agreed to "NU, NTI and NTU are Nanyang University from 1953 to 2005".

  NanDa JingShen has been loudly promoted in NTU's FuMing. But its true meaning is ambiguous and remains a mystery. Whatever NanDa JingShen is to NU alumni, I am sure it does not endorse the act of "using our love of NU's name to eliminate NTU's alumni's love of their own tradition and culture".

  Life is simpler if NTU can properly limit its actions within it own history which started in 1981 and NU's alumni properly respect NTI as an independent separate institution with enviable growth.

  Let us recognize and accept our true Nantah 1953-1980.

August 31, 2004.

自强不息 力求上进

2004年08月31日首版 Created on August 31, 2004
2004年08月31日改版 Last updated on August 31, 2004