

── 朱永安 ──


2001年7月"Happy 20th NTU! In a short span of 20 years, and without sacrificing quality and excellence, NTU has made an impressive contribution to our nation... Born as Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) in 1981" (《NTUNEWS No. 41》)
2002年10月南洋理工大学庆祝21周年,连任20年的首任校长詹道存推出介绍南洋理工大学的新书 "COMING OF AGE" (《NTUNEWS No. 46》)


2003年7月21日"After the demise of Nanyang University, this campus saw a second beginning in Nanyang Technological Institute, established in 1981 to train practice oriented engineers" (《NTU迎新日》徐冠林演讲)


2003年9月8日"In 1955, this beautiful piece of land saw the establishment of Nanyang University... Thus began the first chapter of Yunnan Garden... The second chapter of Yunnan Garden began right after the close of the first chapter. A completely new model of engineering school was established: the Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI)... We are now on the threshold of the Third Chapter" (《NTU毕业典礼》徐冠林演讲)
2004年2月"History -- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) was established by an Act of Parliament on 1st July 1991. It has its origin in the former Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) which was set up in August 1981... It occupies the beautiful campus of the Nanyang University in Jurong. 'Nantah', it's abbreviated name, was later merged with the University of Singapore to become the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1980... NTI admitted its first batch of 582 engineering students in July 1982" (《NTU网站》)


2004年7月12日"At the opening ceremony of the Conference on International Boundaries and Cultural Configurations on 23rd June, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew was asked if NTU could be renamed as Nanyang University. He reiterated the position that the issue of renaming Nanyang Technological University as Nanyang University is not critical to the government as long as the NTU alumni identify with and support such a name change... Once NTU has developed into a strong comprehensive university, with strong faculty and students across all its different schools, we will be in a better position to assess, together with the NTU alumni, if the University should be renamed" (《NTU毕业典礼》徐冠林演讲)
2004年7月26日"In 1981 Yunnan Garden became silent. In 1982 another pioneer group came into the campus. Engineers, infused with ideals and passion for building and creating a better life for society. They wrote a new chapter of Yunnan Garden... You, the class of 2008, are pioneers of Chapter Three" (《NTU迎新日》徐冠林演讲)


2004年11月27日"Next year, the year 2005, will be the 50th year since the founding of Nanyang University, our predecessor institution that first planted the seeds of knowledge in Yunnan Garden" (《NTU校友回校日》徐冠林演讲)
2005年7月11日"Nanyang University and Nanyang Technological University have a colourful history. People still argue today about which pieces are part of our history. Even many of our historical archives lie elsewhere... If we want to keep up and to move into the lead, we cannot afford to dwell on the past and dissipate our energy on petty squabbling" (《NTU毕业典礼》徐冠林演讲)


2005年7月┄现在"History -- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has a distinguished lineage with roots that go back to 1955... Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) was established on the same campus in 1981 with government funding... In 1991, NTI became Nanyang Technological University. Nanyang University is not Nanyang Technological University... The alumni rolls of the former Nanyang University were transferred to NTU in 1996" (《NTU网站》)
2005年12月17日"Fifty years ago, our forefathers built on this beautiful piece of land a garden campus for a new university, the Nanyang University... I welcome all our alumni gathered here tonight, graduating from one or more of the predecessor institutions" (《NTU校友之夜》徐冠林演讲)
2006年12月17日"NTU has indeed come a long way since its inception as a private Chinese University" (《NTU校友之夜》教育部兼人力部政务部长颜金勇演讲)
2006年12月17日"The NTU community is large and vibrant. You who are gathered here graduated from one or more of the predecessor institutions and have gone on to different paths and built careers in varied fields. Yet many of you have kept in touch with your alma mater for as long as 50 years" (《NTU校友之夜》徐冠林演讲)


2005年8月29日"When I first took up appointment at this university, I found a university strong in basics and fundamentals thanks to the 21 years that Dr Cham Tao Soon put in. Building upon this base, we have been working on a fundamental restructuring to realize the university's full potential" (《NTU建校五十年周年》徐冠林演讲)
2006年3月21日"The founding president of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Professor Cham Tao Soon, has been named the first recipient of the British Royal Academy of Engineering who lives outside the European Union and has made outstanding and sustained personal achievement in engineering, including academic leadership. The academy praised Prof Cham for developing NTU from scratch, growing its student population from just 582 in 1982 to the current 23,000" (《海峡时报》)



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2007年1月11日首版 Created on January 11, 2007
2007年1月11日改版 Last updated on January 11, 2007